Swimming Queensland (SQ) Preparation and Championship events couldn’t go ahead without the support of our Technical Officials. To show our appreciation for our technical officials Swimming Queensland provides meals, drinks and snacks along with free event entry at each of our events.
Technical Officials who officiate at Swimming Queensland events are provided with a uniform (details below) and a name badge, which they wear proudly. We offer a small per diem to assist with travel costs to Technical Officials who attend our events.
The Chair of the Technical Committee emails accredited Technical Officials prior to each of our events inviting them to nominate to officiate. This is done through an online form. Technical Official appointments are then made and emailed out to Officials.
If you’re interested in officiating at a Swimming Queensland event but don’t currently hold a current accreditation you can access all the information you need our Technical Official Training page.
You can view all upcoming Swimming Queensland events through our events calendar.
- Technical Official Uniform
Short-sleeved shirt for pool events
Long-sleeved shirt for OWS events
Winter jacket
Satchel bag
A5 maroon clip folder for holding any notes
Swimming Queensland provide the following items as part of the technical official uniform:
Technical officials are also requested to wear their own long black trousers, smart knee-length black shorts or a smart knee-length black skirt with black, non-slip closed in shoes.