Board & Committees

Board & Committees

A volunteer board, comprised of a President and six Directors, governs Swimming Queensland (SQ). Swimming Queensland members who are delegated to vote on behalf of their Club or Region elect Directors and the President.

The Board of Swimming Queensland operates for the collective benefit and advancement of the Association; including its members and the sport of swimming in general.

Our Board

  • Our Board
  • Erin Collis – President
    Jeremy Turner - Treasurer and Director
    Michael Cox - Director
    Sarah Emery – Director
    David Gregory – Director
    Carol McCarthy – Director
    Jeff Winnington – Director

  • Board Nominations
  • Nominations to the Board are conducted in accordance with the Swimming Queensland Constitution.

Our Sub-Committees

  • Competition Sub-Committee
  • Current Committee Members:

    • Jeff Winnington (Chair)
    • Erin Collis
    • Shaun Crow

    Duties & Responsibilities:

    • Advise the Board on policy in relation to competition;
    • Recommend to the Board a program of meets to be conducted by Swimming Queensland, including the terms and conditions of entry to such meets;
    • Coordinate the compilation of the annual state-wide competition calendar; and
    • Provide regular progress reports to the Board.
  • Technical Sub-Committee
  • Current Committee Members:

    • Michael Cox (Chair)
    • Erin Collis
    • Sarah Emery
    • David Gregory
    • Karen Macleod (OAM)
    • Alan Smith

    Duties & Responsibilities:

    • Advise the Board on policy in relation to technical officiating and the Swimming Rules;
    • Be responsible for the recruitment, training and accreditation of new officials;
    • Appoint assessors of officials in each region;
    • Recommend to the Board an annual program of education and development for technical officials; and
    • Examine pools as appropriate to determine their suitability for competition.
  • Finance Sub-Committee
  • Current Committee Members:

    • Jeremy Turner (Treasurer and Chair)
    • David Gregory
    • Jeff Winnington
    • Michael Cox

    Duties & Responsibilities:

    • Advise the Board on policy in relation to the financial management of the Association;
    • Recommend to the Board the annual budget;
    • Regularly review and report to the Board on the annual budget and financial performance;
    • Provide progress reports to the Board on the organisation’s financial performance;
    • Oversight the preparation of the annual financial statements; and
    • Advise the Board on investments and/or business opportunities.
  • Development Sub-Committee
  • Current Committee Members:

    • Carol McCarthy (Chair)
    • Michael Cox

    Duties & Responsibilities:

    • Advise the Board on policy in relation to swimmer and coach development;
    • Recommend to the Board an annual program of swimmer and coach development; and
    • Provide regular progress reports to the Board.
  • Awards Sub-Committee
  • Current Committee Members:

    • Erin Collis (Chair)
    • Sarah Emery

    Duties & Responsibilities:

    • Advise the Board on policy relating to SQ awards;
    • Recommend to the Board the names of suitable recipients of SQ awards, including life membership; and
    • Recommend to the Board the names of suitable recipients for nomination by SQ for other awards, as appropriate.
  • Planning Sub-Committee
  • Current Committee Members:

    • Jeremy Turner (Chair)
    • Sarah Emery
    • Erin Collis
    • Carol McCarthy

    Duties & Responsibilities:

    • Coordinate the formation and review of the Association’s operational and strategic planning; and
    • Provide regular progress reports to the Board.

Past Presidents

  • Past Presidents
  • Past Presidents

    Swimming Queensland has a proud history of excellence and thanks our current and past committee members, board members and Presidents for their contribution in making our sport what it is today.

    Reginald Roe

    Dr. Archibald Brockway

    Hon. James W Blair

    David Carter

    Sir Alan Mansfield

    David Carter

    N Burn

    Dr. D.A. Dowling OBE

    Dr. E.F. Thiele OBE

    A.A. Steinbeck OBE

    R.J. McNamara

    G.G. Bennett

    R.J. McNamara

    L.K.S. Hobb CBE

    G.G. Bennett

    L.K.S. Hobb CBE

    Dr. Tim Barrett

    Di Bendeich

    Margaret Pugh OAM

    Percival (John) Keppie OAM

    Michael Cox

    Erin Collis



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