Running A Meet

Running A Meet

One of the great benefits of being a Swimming Queensland club is the ability to host a swim meet for your members and other clubs to attend.

There are a variety of different meets that your Club might host. Each level of meet caters for swimmers at a particular stage of their development and swimming journey. There’s something for every club and swimmer when it comes to competing, including Development, Transition and Preparation meets. Club’s wishing to run one of these meets must follow the guidelines provided for each type of meet and have their meet approved by their Regional Association. This allows swimmers who attend their meet to have their results published in their Swim Central profile.

  • Our Competition Pathway - Club Meets
  • Our competition pathway has been designed to offer a broad range of development opportunities, for all swimmers, in line with our Long Term Athlete Development philosophy

    The below graphic is designed to help parents, swimmers and clubs understand our competition pathway and you can read more about each level of meet below. You can find out what meets are on in your area via our Events Calendar.

    The SQ Competition Policy outlines the below meets in more detail, including the requirements your club must follow should they wish to host a meet.

    Swimming Queensland's Competition Pathway

    Development Meets

    Development Meets are run by clubs or regions and generally run no longer than 3 hours. The recommended program prepared by Swimming Queensland gives swimmers aged 11 years and under the opportunity to gain experience across a range of strokes and distances.

    Swimmers competing at Development Meets should have the basic skills and capacities in all four strokes. While times achieved at Development Meets can be used to qualify for Transition meets, Club Preparation Meets and Regional Championships the main aim is for swimmers to gain experience.


    Transition Meets

    Similar to Development Meets, Transition Meets are run by a region or club and generally run no longer than 4 hours. The recommended program prepared by Swimming Queensland gives swimmers the opportunity to compete and gain racing experience in a wide range of strokes and events.

    Swimmers should have the necessary skills and capacities gained from competing at Development Meets. While times achieved at Transition Meets can be used to qualify for all other meets, including Regional, State and National Championships the main aim is to gain racing experience.


    Preparation Meets

    Preparation Meets are also run by a region or club and are considered the next step on the pathway from Transition or Development meets. The main aim of a Preparation Meet is to give swimmers 11 years and over the opportunity to gain experience competing in all strokes and events.

    Swimmers should have advanced skills and capacities in all four strokes developed through participation in Development and Transition meets. While times achieved at Preparation Meets can be used for all other meets, including Regional, State and National Championships the main aim is to gain competition experience.

    A detailed synopsis of each time of meet, including event requirements and recommendations is outlined in our Competition Policy.

    Each of these meets are published in our state-wide Events Calendar so you can find out what meets are happening in your region.

  • Getting Approval to Host Your Meet
  • The approval process for Development, Transition or Preparation meets is managed by Swimming Queensland’s Regional Associations.

    If your club wishes to host one of the above-mentioned meets, make sure you’ve read through the requirements for each meet in our Competition Pathway for Clubs guide and make contact with your Regional Association to enquire about hosting a meet.

    After Regions have allocated their meets for the season, they will notify Swimming Queensland of all approved meets scheduled for their Region. These are then published in our Events Calendar.

  • Before Your Meet
  • In order to run your meet on the day and also to accept nominations you will need to set your meet up in Meet Manager (MM) and also in Swim Central.

    Need help setting up your meet? These handy step-by-step guides will show you how!

    Refer to the Swimming Australia Resource Portal. Or the Hytek website.

    If you have further questions that are not addressed in the above guides, please feel free to contact us.

  • At Your Meet
  • In order to manage entries, record times and make sure your event runs smoothly for competitors, you’ll need to use the software Meet Manager (MM).

    A full user-guide on how to use this software is available on the Hytek website.

  • After Your Meet
  • After your meet has finished, swimmers may use times achieved at your meet to qualify for and enter future meets.

    It is important that Clubs and Regions complete the following within two days of the meet:

    1. Export a TM Results file from your meet (not the Merge file). You may also want to export a PDF version of the results to send to the Clubs who had members compete;
    2. Upload and publish results to Swim Central, so swimmers can use times to enter meets in the future; and
    3. Email an unlocked copy of the Meet Manager (MM) back-up file and Team Manager (TM) results file to Swimming Queensland.

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