

There are heaps of great reasons for Swimming Clubs to affiliate with Swimming Queensland (SQ) and their Regional Associations, which we’ve outlined in our Club Benefits section.

In May/June each year, clubs that have affiliated with Swimming Queensland for the previous season will be sent an invitation to re-affiliate for the upcoming season. This invitation outlines the steps required to affiliate (as per the information below).

If you want to start a brand-new club or your Club did not affiliate with Swimming Queensland last season, your Club will need to follow a different process, which is detailed on our Start a Club page.

  • Affiliation Process
  • The official affiliation season runs from 1 July to 30 June the following year.

    Swimming Queensland will email clubs who were affiliated and had registered members for the previous season an affiliation invitation along with an invoice for the upcoming season’s affiliation fees, in May/June each year.

    The affiliation invitation will be emailed to your designated Club Contact and the invoice will be emailed to your Club’s Treasurer. If you do not receive this, please request another copy to be sent by contacting us.

    Step 1

    A club committee member will need to complete the Online Affiliation Form.

    Step 2

    Clubs need to confirm their details are correct in Swim Central and update if necessary, including:

    • Basic Details;
    • Finance Details: and
    • Committee position holders.

    Step 3

    Your Club will need to organise payment of the Affiliation Invoice, which will be emailed to your Treasurer after form completion.

    Once your Club’s payment and affiliation form has been processed you will receive an affiliation confirmation email.

    Please note, all invoices and forms are processed as soon as possible. Clubs must have no outstanding debts to Swimming Queensland or their Regional Association in order for their affiliation to be accepted. Outstanding debts will delay the affiliation process until payment has been received.


      After clubs have completed the steps above they have successfully completed the affiliation for the new season.

      Please note, membership renewals are separate and clubs will be advised directly in a separate email after fees have been confirmed for the season.

    • Affiliation Fees For 2024-25
    • The fees below are payable by each club before 30 September, according to their region. Please note, late fees apply after this date.

      Brisbane (BSA)

      Total: $240
      ($190 SQ & $50 BSA)

      Central Queensland (CQ)

      Total: $390
      ($190 SQ & $200 CQ)

      Darling Downs (DD)

      Total: $305
      ($190 SQ & $115 DD)

      Far North Queensland (FNQ)

      Total: $350
      ($190 SQ & $160 FNQ)

      Gold Coast (GC)

      Total: $340
      ($190 SQ & $150 GC)

      North Queensland (NQ)

      Total: $340
      ($190 SQ & $150 NQ)

      Wide Bay (WB)

      Total: $300
      ($190 SQ & $110 WB)


      Not sure which region your Club is in?

      This handy map will help guide you.

      Swimming Queensland Clubs in Regions

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