Event Details
- Key Event Links
- Major Meet Award Winners
- Towel Award Winners
- Swimmer of the Session Awards
- Swimmer & Spectator Ticketing
- Live Streaming
- RMHC Pantry Items Wish List: Calling All Clubs!
- Eloise Gannon Foundation
- Medal Shots Merchandise
Updated Event Entry T&C's
Live Results (Regional Relays)
Finals Programs
Club Point Score
Swimmers of the Meet
Flynn Southam (Bond SC), coached by Kyle Samuelson
Elizabeth Dekkers (Newmarket Racers), coached by Steve & Bob Miller
Age Group Swimmer of the Meet
Olympia Pope (Somerset), coached by Chris Urquhart
Joshua Edwards-Smith (Griffith University), coached by Michael Bohl
Para Swimmer of the Meet
Benjamin Hance (USC Spartans), coached by Nathan Doyle
Country Swimmer of the Meet
Ike Martinez (TAS Swimming), coached by Duncan Todd
President's Trophy
St Peters Western
Female Aggregate Towel Awards
Open - Abbey Harkin (St Peters Western) Coach: Dean Boxall
Para - Natalie Shaw (Southport Olympic) Coach: Sean Eels
18 Years - Jenna Forrester (St Peters Western) Coach: Dean Boxall
17 Years - Mollie O'Callaghan (St Peters Western) Coach: Dean Boxall
16 Years - Jamie Perkins (St Peters Western) Coach: Richard Sleight
15 Years - Taryn Roberts (Rocky City) Coach: Shane Kingston
14 Years - Jaclyn Barclay (St Peters Western) Coach: Richard Sleight
13 Years - Bianca Rayward (TSS Aquatics) Coach: David Thomas
12 Years - Tibeca Lui (Griffith University) Coach: Janelle Pallister
Male Aggregate Towel Awards
Open - Thomas Neill (Rackley) Coach: Damien Jones
Para - Benjamin Hance (USC Spartans) Coach: Nathan Doyle
18 Years - Thomas Hauck (All Saints) Coach: Ken Sabotic
17 Years - Joshua Staples (St Peters Western) Coach: Dean Boxall
16 Years - Robert Thorpe (St Peters Western) Coach: Dean Boxall
15 Years - Ike Martinez (TAS Swimming) Coach: Duncan Todd
14 Years - James Leigh (MCA) Coach: James Boyce
13 Years - Kai Gilbert (TSS Aquatics) Coach: David Thomas
12 Years - Finn Morton (St Peters Western) Coach: Andrey Pianca dos Santos
Olympia Pope (Somerset), coached by Chris Urquhart
Flynn Southam (Bond), coached by Kyle Samuelson
Joshua Edwards-Smith (Griffith Uni), coached by Michael Bohl
Isaac Cooper (Rackley), coached by Damien Jones
Benjamin Hance (USC Spartans), coached by Nathan Doyle
Amelia Weber (St Peters Western), coached by Richard Sleight
Elizabeth Dekkers (Newmarket Racers), coached by Steve & Bob Miller
All tickets are pre-purchased via Ticketbooth; Spectators $7 (plus fees) and competing swimmers (free). Each ticket is for a specific section, row and seat in the grandstand which must be used by attendees during the event. Any coaches who wish to sit in the grandstand must also organise a Ticketbooth ticket (complimentary).
The full grandstand will be in use for Heats Sessions (Sunday - Friday), in line with current Qld Health guidelines (e.g. 100% ticketed seating), with almost 4000 seats available there will be plenty available to accommodate all spectators and swimmers wishing to attend.
You only need to purchase Finals tickets once you know you've made the Final. There are almost 2000 seats will be available, more than double what we will require and tickets will not sell out.
Please note for Finals sessions (Sunday - Friday) seating will be in the Western grandstand.
We are proud to welcome Big Voice Media back to bring you amazing LIVE video streaming of the 2021 McDonald's Queensland Championships via our paid subscription video streaming service! Click here to subscribe now!

Ronald McDonald House has been caring for seriously ill children and their families from all around Queensland for over 30 years.
Now you have a chance to support these families just by doing your usual grocery shop.
Swimming Queensland invites you to join in on our pantry drive to help stock the cupboards at the house for families in need.
Click here to find out what will help most!
Baskets for the items will be located out the front of the venue between the entry gates – look for the McDonald’s marquee.
Swimming Queensland is a proud supporter of the Eloise Gannon Foundation and their objectives.
Amongst other goals, the Foundation seeks to raise awareness about the importance of early intervention in the event of a sudden cardiac arrest and especially the life saving impact of having an accessible Automated External Defibrillator (AED) at sporting events and clubs.
The Eloise Gannon Foundation is once again providing Swimming Queensland clubs with an opportunity to win a Defibrillator package. The winner will be announced and presented with the package during the Club Relays on Saturday 11th December.
Medal Shots are our merchandise and event photography partners and we are pleased to advise that the Event Photography and Event Merchandise pre-order platform is live now!
We encourage any clubs and members to jump online and check out the options so you don’t miss your chance to take a memento home!
Pre-orders close Sunday 5 December.
Pre-order now: https://www.medalshots.com/collections/queensland-swimming-state-championships-official-merchandise