On this page you will find all the help you need when it comes to Swim Central.
General FAQs
- Resetting a forgotten password
- Registering with Swim Central (Parents of Brand New Members)
- Purchasing a membership product (Renewing or Joining a Club)
- Nominating for a swim meet online
- Updating Swim Central Email Address
- Transferring to a new club
- Upgrading from Recreational to Competitive
If you have forgotten your password, navigate to Swim Central (https://swimcentral.swimming.org.au/) and select the “Forgot Password?” link.
If you are new to swimming, and don’t already have a Swim Central account you will need to register. A parent/guardian needs to register using a unique email address. No under 18 year old should be registered with Swim Central, all under 18 year olds are added to a parent/guardian’s family group as a dependent.
To register navigate to Swim Central (https://swimcentral.swimming.org.au/), and select “Don't have a login? Register for an account”. For further help refer here.
To purchase a membership in Swim Central, to renew for the new season or to join a club, simply navigate to the “Store” and select “Memberships”. It is important to select the correct member of your family in the “Assignee” drop down to ensure you purchase the correct membership for the correct person.
Enter the name of the club you wish to join, ensure the Assignee is correct and select the membership from the list; using the “Add to Cart” button once you have found the correct membership. You can repeat this process for the whole family, adjusting the Assignee as required and then proceed to “Checkout” to process payment.
Swim Central does have the capacity to accept FairPlay Vouchers, however your Club needs to have this feature switched on, if you have a FairPlay voucher you can select this in the Checkout screen (see here for further help) and then enter credit card details to finalise payment. See here for further help purchasing a membership.
To nominate for a swim meet in Swim Central, navigate to “Events” in the menu and use the calendar to select the meet date and select “View Event” to see more information or to nominate for the meet.
Swim Central automatically calculates a swimmer’s eligibility for events at a swim meet, and will display these events automatically. Please ensure that the Nominee in the drop down is the family member you wish to nominate. Select the Details tab to view more detailed event information.
Add events to the Shopping Cart using the “+” button and choose the “Make Payment” button to finalise the nomination.
If you need to update or check the email you use to login to Swim Central, you can contact us in the SQ office and we can assist you.
Swimmers may transfer from one club to another during the season. To transfer, purchase the new membership in full for the swimmer, then from that swimmer’s profile select the old membership and use the “transfer’ button to transfer; this process will automatically refund the amounts from the old membership that are the same as the new membership (e.g. the Swimming Australia component).
*Please note, this transfer process is only required for mid-season transfers. Any end/start of season changes of club are handled by simply purchasing the new club's membership product.
Swimmers may upgrade from recreational to competitive during the season. To upgrade, purchase the competitive membership in full for the swimmer, then from that swimmer’s profile select the recreational membership and use the “transfer’ button to upgrade; this process will automatically refund the amounts from the first bought membership (e.g. recreational) that are the same for the second bought membership (e.g. the Swimming Australia component).